I headed to college and received an Associates in Secretarial Training and Family Living. When I graduated, I knew how to type very well, take short hand, run an office; I could also cook, sew and balance a budget.
Upon graduation, I was accepted into a four year college and decided to major in something I REALLY loved....dance. My plans were to go into therapy with it, but little did I know, I was a bit ahead of the times, as Music and Dance Therapy were not really as well known, as they are today.
That's me on the left
When I had a year left before I was to graduate with my Bachelor's in Dance, the school changed the requirements and did away with quite a few of the classes I needed to graduate. During this time, I found the man of my dreams and we were engaged. Since I would need at least an additional year to the already year I had to graduate, I decided to bag the Bachelor's in Dance, get married and use my Secretarial degree to get a job and help my husband finish engineering school.
During our first five years of marriage, I worked at a bank, and then later on at a major hospital billing insurance and registering patience. When we were finally able to start our family, I was blessed to be able to stay home with our little one. My husband still had a small amount of college left, but we actually did quite well because we had saved so much...we even were able to buy a house!
As time went on, we moved all over because of my husband's job. As the children got older, we decided to homeschool, and I wound up schooling all four of them, which I dearly loved!
Now, we have a married child, one that will be getting married in a month, and two in college. We are pretty much at the doorstep of the empty nest. Now that I don't have little ones that need me at home, I have entertained the thought of going back to work. There is just one problem....I am obsolete! Remember how my mom and I thought secretaries would always be needed? Well we were wrong!
Now that the computer age is upon us, I have zero skills. When I worked at the bank, oh so many years ago, I was a secretary, and the job I had at the hospital, well, now most hospitals require a degree in that. I've thought about going back to school, but by the time I finish, I will be knocking at the door of retirement age; and I really don't think anyone will want to hire me.
I have done many things during my "tenure" as a stay at home mom. In addition to homeschooling four children for ten years, I have been in charge of several organizations, started a business (making jewelry), learned photography and have been able use my talents in weddings, senior and family photography, and have even had some of my photography and jewelry published and win awards. There is so much I have done during my 30 years of marriage and being a stay at home mom, that I can't put it all down on a resume. I know I am not obsolete, but how could I convince an employer that?
Well, maybe I don't really need to work outside the home. Recently, I have become an independent consultant for Thirty One Gifts. It has been a bit slow to start, but hey! Rome wasn't built in a day? Right? Besides every time I start thinking about pounding the pavement for a job, something comes up at home where I need to do the running around, or waiting for someone to show up, etc. I would not be available for all these things.
Besides...I really don't want to be a greater at WalMart....
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